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I think that this (issue/problem/cause) has an important (impact/influence) on Hong Kong, therefore, I think that the government should give more support to this (issue/problem/cause) by giving it greater importance in its education curriculum, because I think that young people should be made more aware of this (issue/problem/cause). For example, if young people are made aware then it is much easier for the government to legislate effective change. Without awareness, people have a greater tendency to resist change. Even if they do not vocalize their resistance, or refusal to change, they may ignore the legislation. When this happens, if the government wants change, it must then set up enforceable laws which have serious enough consequences to make people change. Since it more (transparent/open) to educate and (inform/tell) the public first to make them more aware and give them time to adjust to a coming change, I think that the government should become more active in promoting awareness about this (issue/problem/cause). Do you think the government should give more support to this (issue/problem/cause)?

I think the government should give more support to this (issue/problem/cause) by increasing its funding and manpower. It will take time and resources to (resolve/solve) this problem and it (may/will) cost a lot of money. Therefore, I think the government should help by providing the necessary funds for further research and development. This would be beneficial in three ways. The first is that the research and development would add to our understanding. The second is that it would create jobs and help to decrease unemployment rates and support Hong Kong's (economy/economic development). The third is that the knowledge gained from this research and development could be used to (increase/raise) awareness, and therefore, help effect societal change. The latter two are( vital/important) in finding a (solution/resolution) to this (issue/problem/cause). In what ways, do you think the government should be involved in this (issue/problem/cause)?

Education is a very important aspect of growing up. It helps us to gain more skills and it helps to build good social attitudes and values. It is also important that we use common sense, therefore, I think that the government should ensure that the education system focuses on this (issue/problem/cause), because the people entrust the government with the responsibility of protecting the rights and harmony of all - not just one group of people, like the upper class or wealthy. To do this the government must consider every citizens' voice, not just that of the elite. Do you think that the education system can help promote this (issue/problem/cause)? 

Although this topic is very specific, it impacts on much larger issues, like (education/the environment/social issues/health issues); therefore, I think we need to consider how it impacts on Hong Kong society. For example, this topic impacts on (education/the environment/social issues/health issues) of Hong Kong. Do you think we should discuss how these larger issues impact on Hong Kong society and include some of them in our (blog, report, letter, website, review, presentation, talk?

For this idea to be successful, it should be well funded. So I think it is important/vital to discuss and include how it will be funded. There are different ways that we could get money. For example, we could do fund raising activities, get private sponsors, or we could see if the government could fund it. For example, we could research what government grants are available for us to apply for and we could also invite our local government representatives to a community awareness night and give a presentation which illustrates why we think the government should fund this topic. We should highlight how it impacts on Hong Kong society. Do you think that we should discuss and include funding in our discussion?